The Rembis Report and Other Fascinating Topics - Volume LIX

Old news you haven't heard before is still news.

Old news you haven't heard before is still news.

Ah, the good old summertime. Nothing like a getaway to soothe the soul and refresh your mind surrounded by mountain lakes. I am on vacation this week in an undisclosed location and away from all computational amenities. No internet for me.

So, if you would please forgive this hasty correspondence, written and scheduled in advance of departure, I offer you a rerun of sorts.

I first published the article below on my Witnessing Stupidity blog. This website is practically unknown and has only a dozen or so essays that offer my viewpoint during a tumultuous period of job hunting from 2011 to 2019. If you would like to read everything there, I would be grateful.

Next week, if all goes well and I return unscathed from my journey, I am sure that I will have something new to report. In the meantime, please enjoy The Tale of the $120,000 Banana, and have a great week!

When you hear that somebody spent $120,000 on a banana taped to a wall, what do you think? The obvious knee-jerk reaction is that it is ridiculous, or that it may not even be true. But at Art Basel in Miami, last week, this was reported to have actually happened. Italian artist Maurizio Cattelan, who…