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- The Rembis Report and Other Fascinating Topics - Volume LXXXIV
The Rembis Report and Other Fascinating Topics - Volume LXXXIV
Russian Nesting Dolls, Gremlins, and Tribbles - Part IV

This newsletter is the fourth in a series about George Anthony Devolder-Santos. If you are just tuning in please click these links to read the full series in succession. For those already caught up I hope you enjoy this week’s installment.
Why would anybody want to hide money?
Plenty of reasons. First of all, if you have money you certainly don’t want it to be stolen. So you keep it in your pocket, your wallet, your purse, your sock, a hidden pocket, your bra, your underwear, or a bank. Maybe a mattress if you don’t trust banks. You earned it and you want to spend it however you see fit, whether it is for a candy bar, a concert ticket, or a car. It is nobody’s business how much money you have, right?
The IRS may give you a longer and more deliberate answer, but we are not here to argue with them. Like I said, your money is your business. Unless you are a politician. Then it is kind of other people’s business.
They want to know where you got it and how you plan to spend it. But being the shrewd politician you are, you know your rights, and you don’t have to tell anybody anything you don’t want them to know. If you decide not to disclose your tax returns, so be it, they are yours, not the general public’s. Same thing for your bank accounts, your stock portfolio, property you own, and your private investments. Not all information is available for public scrutiny.
The general public is apt to to judge politicians based on their finances. As long as you appear to have earned an honest living, nobody will ever question you. But if you appear to have stolen your money, you should be able to prove that you did not. This is why you need to incorporate, or start a Limited Liability Company (LLC), or do both, multiple times. They are the best ways to hide all the money you stole.
Luckily, there are hundreds of companies already set up to act as Registered Agents on your behalf. Northwest Registered Agent has been your one-stop-shop to create a business since 1998. You can look like you operate from St. Petersburg, Florida while you do business anywhere else in the world. You can have unlimited mail forwarding and their trademarked Privacy by Default®️ so that absolutely nobody knows who really runs your corporation or LLC.
Companies like this routinely work hand in hand with others who do the same thing. For an extra layer of security, you can have the corporation you set up with Northwest under the umbrella of an LLC you set up with another company like ABC Consulting LLC in Cheyenne, Wyoming. This way it looks like your Florida based business is owned by somebody in Wyoming, maybe.
You can keep doing this over and over again, with generic company names all over the world, setting up corporations and LLCs one after another that envelope each other like a confusing maze of dominos.
Just pick a generic name.
Any name, Mike?
Any name. You pick. Any normal sounding generic name. Pick something simple that sounds really impressive. Go ahead, try it!
How about - uh - Universal Holdings! That sounds super important. Right?
Why not? Excellent choice. There are a hundred Universal Holdings or variations of the name Universal Holdings in Florida alone. Some are corporations, some are LLCs. See, just like books and movie titles and names of children and pets, you can use business names over and over again, too. There have been over 1,600 Universal Holdings companies registered all over the world, as far away as Dubai, Australia, and New Zealand. 391 of them are currently active and most have nothing to do with any of the other ones. CLICK HERE for the list.
Wow! That is a whole lot of Universal Holdings companies! How do we know they are not all related?
We don’t. Go ahead and click on one to find out more about it.
Here is one in Hawaii. And look at that! It was created by ABC Consulting LLC in Wyoming and the RA is Northwest Registered Agent LLC in Honolulu. Hold on! Is there more than one Northwest Registered Agent LLC?
Indeed, there is. Just like everyone else with a bunch of the same or similar sounding names, there are Northwest Registered Agent LLCs all over the country.
And if somebody else started this company through ABC, what for? Who really owns this Universal Holdings LLC? What do they do? Why did they incorporate?
Great questions. ABC can go ahead and start an LLC anywhere, with any other Registered Agent, and you have no way to find out who hired ABC to initiate that incorporation or what they want it for. It is basically creating a specter which can do business anywhere and be funded without explanation to anyone. US bank deposits over $10,000 are reported to the IRS, but banks are on foreign soil have no such obligation. If you have your paperwork in order and say, “I am with Universal Holdings and I want to open an account,” some banks will roll out the carpet and let you right in. You can fly under the radar with US banks that work primarily online and open an account in two minutes.
Then, with enough bank accounts, all it takes is shuffling money from one to the other to create a paper trail big and confusing enough for an auditor to ignore.
It takes some work, but this is easier than you think. Here is a hypothetical example. Open an online account at Bank of Cyprus with your new Universal Holdings LLC. Then open a couple more accounts, maybe in Bahamas, Jamaica, Grand Cayman, Bermuda, Hawaii, places you don’t have to walk into a bank to make a deposit, because you don’t care about that. You may never even visit these places, and you will be missing out, but your money is going on an adventure. It is crossing time zones, churning from Euros, to Bahamian dollars, to Bermudan dollars, to US dollars, all transactions completely digital, then your little tribbles will move from nesting doll to nesting doll, and finally come back to the American bank account you created with another corporate name that sounds nothing like Universal Holdings.
Then, do yourself a solid and purchase a high-limit prepaid debit card that will not be tracked, to spend your stolen money as you see fit.
You can get as many of these cards as you want, reload them as often as you like, and choose from a wide array of apps to be able to split amounts among purchases. This way, when you have lunch at your favorite restaurant with a few close friends, and the bill comes to $400, you can leave a $99.99 tip, and then Venmo $1,000 to each of your four guests, and $500 to your personal account, all at once. Voilà! Laundry is done! Ding-ding!
At first, it sounds like a lot of work, but when the alternative is getting busted with stolen loot and going to jail, trying not to get caught can be exhilarating. But to even get involved in money laundering, you have to have money to launder. Drugs, guns, counterfeiting, simple low-risk straight-up robbery, those aren’t for you. Politicians like you ooze style and elegance. You go for sophisticated straight-up robbery with good-old-fashioned Ponzi schemes that employ communication as your weapon of choice. You can make way more money with a phone than you can with a gun. Once you realize that, the world is your oyster and your ashtray. Have at it.
Success is the collision of preparation meeting opportunity. By 2021 George Santos was ready. He had lied his way past velvet ropes all the way to the polls. He lost the election but proved himself to be more than a Republican hopeful, he was a contender. He was somebody who somebody else could use.
He began meeting people who would back him financially and put himself in league with cohorts who knew how to bilk people. And with Santos, they found a better way to launder money. His newfound connections among Republican supporters proved he could be their washing machine. A whirlpool was born.
The new energy star of Long Island had arrived. He was ready and willing to say anything and everything to get votes, and he did. He put himself in front of cameras spouting the most politically savvy plain talk anybody had heard in awhile, and dressed the part, too. He was boring, and young, and gay, and not so dynamic. He pushed his way to get in front of Trump’s base and stayed there, promising to be everything Trump was, without being exactly like Trump, which was what Republicans wanted.
He attended Trump’s rally on January 6th, but did not march on the Capitol. When asked about his time there, he offered a plain and simple reply about the unfortunate turn of events that day, while agreeing that Biden was fairly elected. The well-rehearsed politician played every side.
Santos 2022 campaign started bringing in the first contributions from the Republican fundraising machine WinRed, the GOPs answer to ActBlue. The WinRed platform would prove to be a game-changer for Santos. It allows citizens to donate to multiple campaigns with a single click, distributing small donations among several Republican candidates. Some WinRed donations earmarked for Santos were as little as sixteen cents. By the end of the first quarter of 2021, WinRed had raised $39,000 for Santos.
But WinRed was not his only fundraising platform. Santos had made connections through LinkBridge, and was now doing so with his customers at Harbor City Capital. I have stated before that I can’t understand why anybody feels driven to financially bolster political campaigns because I can’t relate, but sometimes, campaign donations can be downright baffling.
Such is the case with Cheng Gao, a Chinese businessman who has contributed $1,231,706.65 to Republican campaigns since 2016. A lot of it went to Donald Trump and his election committees ($526,443.64), but Gao also contributed to Republican parties across sixteen states, and individuals in Congress including Mitch McConnell, Kevin McCarthy, and George Devolder-Santos, who he gave $11,200, well above the established annual limit of $2,900 per individual. How he was able to contribute beyond the FEC limit and why he gave so much to Trump, I can’t say. Mother Jones thought it was weird, too. Where he got his money, nobody knows. Why he is pumping it into American politics, again, nobody knows. Of all the money he contributed, $599,855.17 of it was processed though WinRed. His two largest single contributions were $100,000 to the Trump Victory Committee on September 12, 2017, and $69,450 to the Republican National Committee that same day. Did it have something to do with Trump’s declaration naming September 11th Patriot Day that year? Maybe it was a patriotic gesture. Or maybe it is money laundering.
That much patriotism from a foreign national doesn’t add up, especially when nobody knows where the money came from.
The amount of money that WinRed processes is staggering. Since their inception in 2019 they have raised $3,420,107,060. THREE AND A HALF BILLION DOLLARS. Any entity with billions of dollars like this is fertile ground for anybody with the means to do so, to be able to utilize them as a laundry. But to make it work, you need an inside man. Or woman.
The Melbourne gremlins had just who they needed, George Devolder, (a.k.a. George Devolder-Santos), and his campaign treasurer, Nancy Marks. With his march to Congress in full swing, he left Harbor City Capital (HCC) to focus on campaigning. Just in time, too. A few weeks after he dodged out the door the US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) filed a complaint against HCC and froze JP Maroney’s assets, calling Harbor City a Ponzi scheme that scammed people out of $17,000,000.
But Maroney had nothing to worry about. That money was safe and sound, nesting like tribbles inside little dolls. All he needed was a washing machine.
And he had one. He had Nancy and George.
Please tune in again next week for part five and the possible conclusion of this series. Any news that may come out this week could add some real dirt to the load, but no matter what, it will all come out in the wash.
Thanks for reading.
Continue reading Russian Nesting Dolls, Gremlins, and Tribbles - Part V
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