The Rembis Report and Other Fascinating Topics - Volume XCVIII

A Scary Story

It took me years to write this.

I am on vacation this week. Location: Undisclosed.

To maintain my online presence and fulfill your thalamus and neocortex with the dose of weekly madness you have come to expect, today I present not a rerun of a prior report or another offbeat essay, but an invitation to read a book that I wrote. It is fiction. A scary story for entertainment purposes only.

Well, not just for entertainment, as I would appreciate any feedback you will offer. The book is over 77,000 words. It has 22 chapters. When double spaced and printed in New Times Roman font with 12 point text it comes out to 308 pages. Yes, it is a real book. A whole novel. If you did not know that I write stuff like this, now you do.

So, please peruse the teaser below and if you dare to know more, click the link to sign up to read my horror novel, Eternity’s Grasp. And please give me feedback. Tell me what you think, ask me any questions you like, and share the link with whoever you wish. Especially if they are a literary agent or book publisher.

Thank you so much for reading.

This is a dark tale.

When career gambler Paul Pasternak loses big, he swerves his car out of frustration and kills a jogger. Grappling with guilt, he decides he must eliminate somebody else to make up for it, revealing himself as a psychotic murderer. His simple confessional blossoms into a full-blown front row thrill ride where he peels away layer upon layer like a bad onion and the stream of tears to go with it. We learn what it is to be him, why he does what he does, and how he eludes capture. His sincere belief that he has the power of invisibility may prove to be true.

If you like stories that begin as a typical day in life and become exponentially sinister, this is for you. It is my pleasure to present the full edition, so that you too may find yourself trapped in Eternity’s Grasp.

If you would like to read Eternity’s Grasp prior to publication, please send a confidential email to me at

Thanks for reading.

To all the Moms out there - Happy Mother’s Day!

If you are new to the Rembis Report and would like to read any of the previous issues, PLEASE CLICK HERE to access the archives. To read it from the beginning, PLEASE GET A COPY of The Rembis Report: An Observation.