The Rembis Report and Other Fascinating Topics - Volume LXXVIII - Addendum

Preet is at the South Pole

Captain Harpreet Chandi has done it again!

She walked 700 miles to the South Pole in 56 days - FOR THE SECOND TIME!  Please visit her website to read about her incredible journey and find some inspiration for reaching goals of your own.

Just yesterday, she posted this message: 

"So, this is I would day a fairly big adventure and people will often say to me ‘My adventure is not as big as yours.’ I try not to ever underestimate somebody else’s achievements whatever they are, we never know how tough it was for them to get there and also no boundary or barrier is too small, no adventure is too small.

I know this is easier said than done, but try not to compare yourself to others. I don’t think it is helpful, you are on your own journey, focus on your goals and what you want in life."

Such a beautiful sentiment and inspiration for all.

Congratulations again, Preet! We are with you every step of the way to the other side of Antarctica.