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- The Rembis Report and Other Fascinating Topics - Volume LXXXVI
The Rembis Report and Other Fascinating Topics - Volume LXXXVI
Russian Nesting Dolls, Gremlins, and Tribbles - Part VI

This newsletter is the sixth in a series about George Anthony Devolder-Santos. If you are just tuning in please click these links to read the full series in succession. For those already caught up I hope you enjoy this week’s installment.
Oh, what a tangled web.
That is the general consensus among pundits when bouncing around ideas about Congressman George Santos and his ex-treasurer Nancy Marks. They have been under scrutiny from nearly all of their associates, the news media, and everyone who loves watching a wreck in slow motion, because of all the engines about to go off the rails, this is the one to watch.
The New York Times published this in-depth look at the dynamic duo of financial disaster on Monday, confirming calculations I reported the day before about the $206,000 in fees paid to WinRed. I am happy to see that my math is correct (Yay for me!) and thrilled that the dauntless reporters at The New York Times got deeper into their finances than I did. Before reading more of this report please read their article first. While I have already made some of the same points they do, they are providing information I may reference in my final analysis.
Before we get further into this case there is one odd thing to note. It is trivia. It adds nothing to the story other than to make you furrow your brow and say “Huh!” But it is kind of fun information. So here it is.
Nancy Marks is not the only Nancy Marks. There are others. Just as there are other George Santos throughout the world, and I am not the only Mike Rembis, and as there are probably other people who share your name, this Nancy Marks is not the only one.
What is curious about a couple of the other Nancy Marks is their choice of profession and how it worked out for those ladies. My search for information on Nancy Marks led me to a psychic named Nancy Marks who was arrested for fleecing her customers for over $2,000,000. When I saw that I thought, Wow! Could she be the same one? She is not. That Nancy Marks went to a Florida prison in 2014.
Then, I found out that Nancy Marks was also arrested and went to prison in Colorado in 2012 for another psychic scam. I thought, Wow, she didn’t spend much time behind bars before moving on to Florida. But again, this was a completely different Nancy Marks.
How many psychic scammers named Nancy Marks are there?
Just these two, so far. But based on news stories dating all the way back to 1995, the Colorado Nancy Marks was part of the Marks family of Los Angeles who had been working psychic scams since the 1940’s.
Then, of course there are several more Nancy Marks, who have nothing to do with scamming anybody. One Nancy Marks is an environmentalist working with the Natural Resources Defense Council to clean up the Penobscot River in Maine. Another Nancy Marks is on the board of directors of the Melanoma Research Alliance and writes children’s books.
So, with this in mind, please don’t jump to conclusions if you happen to meet a lady named Nancy Marks. They are not all out to scam you. Some of them are pretty awesome ladies.
The Nancy Marks who handles money for political campaigns from her home on Long Island, however - well, you decide what level of awe to rank her by your own scale where she is concerned. She was not always a Marks, before she met her late husband Peter, she was a Cartiglia.
The reason that is important is because we can look through FEC records to see who of her Cartiglia relatives are making donations to political campaigns she runs. This snapshot of FEC records shows that her and four other family members donated a total of $31,900 to the Devolder-Santos campaign. And, four members of Devolder-Santos clan pumped $22,500 in themselves, some well above donation limits.
The Devolder-Santos campaign was not the first time Maria Cartiglia made donations to campaigns that Nancy Marks was running as Campaigns Unlimited. She also donated to the Committee to Elect Stephen A Labate in 2011, Lee Zeldin for Congress in 2015, and made the maximum donation of $5,600 (allowed at the time) to John Cummings for Congress in 2019.
The question to ask here is - How does that make sense? We know that all they buy is advertising, meals, and fuel. What does the donor get out of it? What is their return on investment? How would donating only to campaigns that Nancy Marks is treasurer for benefit them?
When there are big loads of laundry, the washing machines don’t invest, they wash. My guess is that they were given this money to put into the campaigns. They were paid up front. All they had to do was use one of the prepaid credit cards Nancy gave them and make donations through WinRed. They did not need to spend every cent. Just like when you were a kid and your Mom sent you out on a trip to the corner store for cigarettes and lottery tickets, you keep the change and use it to buy candy or ice cream. That is what is happening here.
The Devolder-Santos 2022 campaign received 299 separate donations for $2,900 each. Yet, many of these were from people who contributed that same amount multiple times. Not just family members who made sure to contribute on New Year’s Eve of 2021 (maybe for luck?), but others who for some reason found it necessary to contribute to the campaign multiple times, like 24 members of a group called Best Efforts, who are scattered across three states and sometimes name the organization Bests Efforts (plural). Some people contributed $2,900 three times, and not days apart, like they made a mistake and forgot they contributed. They pushed the button three times in a row on the same day.
Research for a company named Best Efforts gave me two corporations, one in Wisconsin, and the other in Indiana, and an LLC in California. None of them have a website presence or commercial building address, They appear to be single family homes and are probably companies not related to these donations, as their addresses do not match up to FEC donor records. The addresses used by the Best Efforts donors are in Florida, New Jersey, and New York. The biggest red flag here is that four of the donors who used the name Bests Efforts (plural) made duplicate donations of $2,900 each and another one did so 3 times, all on March 31, 2022. So, $31,900 came in on that day from these five people who all worked at Bests Efforts, four of them are from New York (two of these are a couple), and one is from Florida. The New York addresses are modest single family homes and the Florida address is a $15,000,000 mansion (Zestimated by Zillow). The Florida donor also gave $15,800 to two other Devolder-Santos PACs that Nancy Marks was treasurer for, the GADS PAC (George Anthony Devolder-Santos), and the Devolder-Santos Victory Committee. This same donor also gave hundreds of thousands to Donald Trump and the RNC through WinRed.
Whether or not these donations to Devolder-Santos were legitimate, you will have to ask the donor to find out. A great laundry can do a bit of research and find out all the same information I can from Federal Election Commission records. Armed with a smokescreen like that a laundry can pick the name of a prominent donor who already contributes heavily to party-affiliated like-minded candidates and use their name and address to make donations in that person’s name to whoever they like. It is illegal to do so but it can be done. The donor will probably never check their own name on the FEC website to find out how much they gave to anyone because they think they already know. But if you asked the Florida donor about Best(s) Efforts, I would bet they don’t know who or what that is. This is another way I see money being laundered.
Can you prove this, Mike?
No, but somebody with greater investigative authority could. Or they could prove me wrong. Right now this is a conspiracy theory. I know this is complex, but at its heart, this is the tale of six people who conspired to take the money stolen through Harbor City Capital’s Ponzi scheme and launder it through the Devolder-Santos for Congress campaign. It is as simple as that.
The FEC is as interested in Best(s) Efforts and the rest of this as much as I am fascinated by it. Just like other companies that do not exist, or companies that exist in multiple places because people keep using the same generic names over and over, the FEC is going to have a tough time making connections between the donors and Best(s) Efforts.
I predict it will prove to be a fiction just like the generic named companies that Georgey Boy and the Melbourne gremlins set up in Florida. Named LLCs that don’t do anything except have a rented PO box and a forwarding address are great places to hide money.
But they didn’t just need to hide money, they needed to wash it. Santos and Marks were the perfect solution. Nancy had already built a huge system to harbor dark money, safely embedded within real donations, and Santos kept on selling himself as the Republican New York’s 3rd District needed in Washington.
Here are the highlights of what happened during the 2022 campaign.
January 6 - Insurrection on Capital Hill (Georgey Boy was down the street)
January 15 - WINRED begins fundraising for GDS* for Congress
January 31 - Cheng Gao donates $5,600 to GDS*
February 27 - Cheng Gao donates another $5,600 to GDS* (cumulative $11,200)
March 1 - GDS* quits Harbor City Capital
March 31 - WINRED has raised $39,000 for GDS* for Congress (cumulative)
March/April - JP Maroney reactivates Global Research LLC and Removes Northwest Registered Agent from business to complete sole ownership
April 19 - Securities and Exchange Commission files complaint against Harbor City Capital, accusing $17M Ponzi scheme and fraud - JP Maroney’s assets are frozen
May 1 - Jesse McMinn (President) incorporates Red Strategies Video Inc.
May 4 - Red Strategies USA LLC files organization with D&D International Investment Services (Devaughn Dames) as Registered Agent through conglomeration of these five stakeholders:
D&D INVESTMENT SERVICES inc. (Devaughn Dames)
May 5 - Paul Nicolini & Associates Incorporates
May 11 - George Santos files LLC for Devolder Organization
May 19 - Universal Holdings LLC files organization via Northwest Registered Agent - Honolulu, Hawaii, and ABC Consulting - Cheyenne, Wyoming
May 24 - GMG Printing (Inc. 2013) changes name to R.I.A. Concepts Holding
May 28 - Andrew Intrater confronts George Santos about missing interest payments from his investment with HCC. Santos informs Intrater that he no longer works for HCC and was “let go” a few weeks prior.
June 28 - Cumulative campaign contributions for 2022 reach $301,000
June 29 - Devaughn Dames posts “Natasha is back” on Facebook
June 30 - WINRED has raised $130,000 for GDS for Congress (cumulative)
June 30 - Atlantic Corporate Holdings LLC files organization via Northwest registered Agent - St. Petersburg, Florida and ABC Consulting - Cheyenne, Wyoming
June 30 - GDS* Loans $80,000 to his own campaign
November 1 - Jayson Benoit and Devolder Organization LLC create Redstone Strategies LLC
Just like I can throw red herrings into a report like this by mentioning Universal Holdings LLC and Atlantic Corporate Holdings LLC, that may or may not have anything to do with our laundry attendants, so too can they pluck a generic name out of the wash and use some RA someplace to transfer money to, and it may never be found. All they have to do is request prepaid cards. Or maybe they already have. There could be stockpiles of them in safe deposit boxes all over the world, waiting to be activated and spent.
Nancy is just another conduit for the gremlins, and they are just another customer to her. They have plenty of other places to stash their cash. They have to because you don’t want all your laundry in one basket. You need to separate whites from colors, and watch the temperature on your rinse cycle, so everything looks good when it is finally dried and pressed. It takes longer, but it is worth it. Because if you lose a sock, oh well. It is better than losing the whole load.
So the Melbourne gremlins found a new haven for their stolen money with Nancy and George, but even George broke away from the rest of the group, save Benoit. Those two started their own LLC - Redstone Strategies, without the rest of the gang. Just in case things went south somewhere else, this would be another safety net. You can’t have too many places to hide money.
They had to because Santos told Andrew Intrater about that company long before it existed. The New York Times reported that Intrater gave $25,000 to Redstone Strategies when they said they would be soon raising $1,500,000 to buy TV advertising with that company, which they did not. Intrater reports that he donated about $250,000 to the Devolder-Santos campaign directly or through other various PACs. Campaign records show that it is less. But with proper receipts, as billionaires who make sizeable donations are known to keep, it is likely that Intrater will be more than willing to share his records with authorities, especially since he is still looking for a return on the $625,000 he invested with Harbor City Capital before he found out it was a Ponzi scheme.
Andrew Intrater is an interesting figure to a lot of people because he is the cousin of Viktor Vekselberg, a sanctioned Russian oligarch who has ties to Vladimir Putin. Intrater is an American citizen and gave a lot of money to Donald Trump to help make America great again, but so did a lot of other folks. He saw something in Georgey Boy that he could not resist. Something that got him excited enough to invest in HCC and in that Republican campaign.
He has been running a high profile investment firm in New York for over twenty years and is not without his share of controversy. Findings by attorney Michael Avenatti, when he was investigating Donald Trump’s attorney Michael Cohen in 2018, pointed to Andrew and his cousin Viktor, as participating in possible fraudulent and illegal financial transactions. Soon after making that accusation, Avenatti himself was convicted of embezzlement and sentenced to 14 years in prison for bilking his own clients, including infamous porn performer Stormy Daniels.
That was just the start of Intrater’s recent troubles with money. Once fingers started being pointed at him, some of his assets were frozen and Wall Street elites gave him the cold shoulder, as his cousin and Putin could not be ignored by the U.S. Treasury Department.
Maybe he thought he would get some financial stability by investing with Harbor City Capital, and that his support of the new upstart Republican George Santos would lead to a great political advantage for his business. Instead of providence, he was ripped off. He probably has nothing to do with any kind of fraud at all and was just looking for a return on investment, like any all-American entrepreneur. He had plenty to invest and saved his receipts. He wasn’t interested in washing a load of dirty rubles. He just met up with the wrong crowd and got robbed.
That is the way it looks to me. Andrew Intrater is organized and clean. The dirtbags who took his money, definitely not. The timeline proves how scattered they are.
Besides not having Redstone Strategies in place before selling the concept to Intrater, they did not even have their own LLCs and corporations complete before consolidating them as officers of Red Strategies USA.
Maroney set himself up with the safety net of Global Research LLC, wresting it fully from Northwest Registered Agents, just as the SEC came calling. Right after that, he had videographer Jesse McMinn (see page 28), who taped episodes of The Deal Flow Show for HCC, set up his own business, Red Strategies Video, Inc. McMinn had been with HCC since 2019, so the gremlins trusted him, and if they ever needed a patsy, he was already in a perfect position to be one.
Three days after McMinn sets up Red Strategies Video, Devaughn Dames gets the whole crew set up as Red Strategies USA LLC for the sole purpose of consolidating to create a puzzle for anybody daring enough to sniff around their finances. If anyone wanted to find the $17,000,000 missing from Harbor City Capital, they could try, but it was well on its way to the laundry.
The day after Red Strategies USA was formed, Paul Nicolini filed papers for the corporation included in Red Strategies the day before. Then, six days after that, Georgey Boy did the same thing with Devolder Organization. Two weeks later Nancy Marks changes the name of GMG Printing to R.I.A. Concepts Holding LLC, the name she used for Red Strategies. The only one who showed up early to the party was Jayson Benoit, who had been incorporated since 2020.
Key to this plan was not associating JP Maroney with Red Strategies USA. His name is not tied to the company through paperwork of any kind. Other than Marks, all of the rest worked at Harbor City Capital. It is reasonable to assume his participation, however, guiding their collusion and where monies would go.
With all the shirts separated from the socks and underwear they poured in the soap and hit the start button. The load was churning and nobody was watching. What a great time to wash! Money started pouring into Devolder-Santos for Congress. Not just the Harbor City Capital booty, but real donors, like Andrew Intrater and others. Right after Red Strategies USA appeared, the campaign was flooded with money from WinRed. And if all that money coming in wasn’t enough already, Georgey Boy himself sweetened his own honey pot and loaned his campaign $80,000.
The curious timing of that payment coincides with this cryptic Facebook post by Devaughn Dames.

Who is Natasha?
That is an excellent question. For as outspoken, flamboyant, and self-promoting as Devaughn Dames is, with all of the weblinks that point out his business connections, his referrals, their accolades of him, and his business associates in general, there is no Natasha. In fact, this Facebook post is completely out of character for him, but there it is. To be fair, he made 36 other posts that week, all links to various website articles about real estate, venture capital, and retirement funds. Boring stuff. Nothing at all of a personal nature; no cats, no memes, no pictures of food or his ride, just this. Why? What for?
My guess is that this is code. A message in plain sight only for a select few who know what it means. Michael Cohen testified before Congress that Donald Trump spoke in code. This transmission means something specific to somebody, but to whom, and for what purpose?
When I thought Natasha was a person, I narrowed it down to a news reporter who works an international beat, but it did not make sense for Dames to mention her for any reason. So Natasha is an alias, and the trip to Russia is code for another event, but the sentiment “Everyone welcome her back” is genuine. Everyone Dames was dealing with at that time was the other Melbourne gremlins, Marks, and Santos. Whoever Natasha is, they completed a mission that brought in money, enough to blast the message to the others to take notice, and let them know it was go-time.
Is it code for Santos getting money from Intrater? Maybe. No matter who Natasha and what Russia are in this context, the message is that money has come in. I am certain of that because that is all that Devaugn Dames ever talks about. Prior to this post the Devolder-Santos for Congress campaign had only taken in $300,000. But once this digital titbit popped up, the floodgates opened, and the campaign would end up raising $3,720,000.
It could be a weird coincidence that has nothing to do with any of this, but that is my point. It is weird. Another weird dealing that Dames had was a financial scuffle with the small business loans company Credibly. Whatever their beef was with him, it is not published, but they sued him and won $118,000.
For Georgey Boy, the money just kept on coming. Santos loaned his campaign another $500,000 on March 31, 2022 the same day another $197,000 came in. About six months after Santos and Benoit opened Redstone Strategies, the Devolder Organization was removed as an officer of that LLC. Benoit would later dissolve it completely in January of 2023.
March 31 - GDS* Loans $500,000 to his own campaign (Cumulative $580,000) - the same day another $197,000 also comes in
March 31 - WINRED posts payments of $39,000 for GDS* for Congress ($361,000 cumulative)
April 22 - Credibly LLC files suit against Devaughn Dames in Arizona
Between April 1 and June 30 - Devolder Organization LLC is removed from Redstone Strategies
June 30 - WINRED posts payments of $60,000 for GDS* for Congress ($501,000 cumulative)
July 26 - Credibly wins judgement against Devaughn Dames for $118,352.72
September 6 - GDS* files Financial Disclosure stating he has approximately $11,000,000
October 19 - GDS* VICTORY COMMITTEE raises $337,000 for 2022 campaign (cumulative)
October 26 - GDS* Loans $125,000 to his own campaign (Cumulative $705,000)
November 22 - GDS* Campaign 2022 ends with $3,720,000. WINRED has raised $726,000
January 13 - Accountable.US files suit against Santos and Marks.
January 24 - Nancy Marks files FEC amendment stating that Santos was not the source of his own loans
January 25 - Nancy Marks resigns treasury position from Devolder-Santos
January 25 - Jayson Benoit dissolves Redstone Strategies.
February 6 - Lee Zeldin disassociates from Nancy Marks
February 16 - FEC pressures Santos to hire a new treasurer or forfeit fundraising and spending
GDS* George Devolder-Santos
So, this is where we are at. There is a lot of money missing, and George Santos spent a lot of it. He had help. Nancy Marks knows more about where it went than he does. The Melbourne gremlins who helped develop Red Strategies opened plenty of LLCs and corporations, probably many more than we know about. They have their safety nets in place and got their cut. Using all of the methods I discussed in this series, you can see how easy it is for shady characters to launder money, given the legal tools put into place by using generic names, private registered agents, and prepaid debit cards, money can go anywhere. As I said before, money is elusive.
Most elusive of all though is JP Maroney. He had the foresight to distance himself from Red Strategies USA from the beginning and let them do all the work. There has to be a method to his madness in keeping Global Research LLC all to himself, a name so generic, it can open a bank account anywhere without question, and look like something it is not.
Then, he has the unwavering help of Devaughn Dames, the mysterious Registered Agent with more connections to people we do not know than those we do. In July of 2019 he filed articles of incorporation for KH & JP, CORP. The name is generic. The company has no street address or web presence. The only place it exists is on paper. It filed its paperwork for two years and on September 23, 2022, after 17 months of inactivity, the state of Florida closed it through administrative dissolution for no longer filling an annual report. But that is okay. Dames used it for its intended purpose. Probably to hide money for JP Maroney.
I have no leads on who the KH is in KH & JP, CORP., unless it is JP’s daughter Karlista Maroney, who also worked at Harbor City Capital, but that is a guess. In fact, at this point it is all a guess.
And your guess is as good as mine as to where all the money went.
Thanks for reading.
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